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Our Products

Sterling Five is a global exporter of branded pharmaceuticals, cancer treatment products, and specialized drugs for rare diseases. We provide their products worldwide, priding ourselves on competitive pricing and top-tier service quality

Branded Pharmaceuticals

TSterling Five provides branded pharmaceuticals manufactured by multinational companies globally, ensuring competitive pricing and top-tier service quality.

Orphan Drugs

Orphan drugs are pharmaceuticals or other medicinal solutions that address rare diseases or disorders. Sterling Five excels in sourcing such orphan drugs, leveraging its comprehensive global supplier network


Sterling Five offers the dermal fillers of most reputable global manufacturers world-wide.


Oncology products encompass anti-cancer and chemotherapy medications. Sterling Five has specialized expertise in procuring these oncology medicines while being fully compliant with EU GDP requirements.

Medical Devices

Sterling Five's range of medical products primarily comprises medical equipment and other items which are produced and marketed by internationally renowned manufacturers.


Sterling Five's ophthalmology portfolio mainly includes eye drops, prescription lenses, and diagnostic devices, all sourced from global manufacturers.

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